It takes less than 5 minutes to create a quiz on Google Forms, and you can use it completely free of cost. The only thing that you will require is a Google account. And to share this form, all you have to do is copy the link and distribute it to the respective individuals. 

How to Create Quiz in Google Forms?

Creating a quiz in Google Forms takes no time, and you can use it in many ways. Your Google Forms will likely stop responding if there are more than a few hundred questions. Rather than creating a large form, you can divide it into different forms and share it easily. Make sure you have signed in properly before you get started.  The following steps are only applicable to Google Forms on the web browser. There is no Forms application available for mobile phones yet. However, you can use it on the web, the same as on PC, to create a quiz. Here’s how you can do it. 

Create the Quiz

All forms on Google Forms are not a quiz by default. You will have to enable the “Make this a quiz” option to be able to set correct answers, scores, and feedback. Here’s how you can do it.

Describe the Quiz

Before creating the form quiz, give it a proper heading and briefly describe the quiz and how the user should take it. 

Manage Responses Settings

You can also collect the users’ emails and choose whether you want them to make edits to their responses or not. Here’s how you can do it.

Manage Presentation Settings

Under the presentation tab, you can decide how to present the quiz to the users. It also lets you choose how you want the users to view the result. Here’s how to do it.

Add Questions and Options

You can add as many questions as possible by clicking on the plus icon in the right corner. Along with questions, you have multiple options available on how you want to display the correct answer. Follow the steps below to add questions and answers as one of the options on your quiz. 

To Choose the Correct Answer

Among all those options, only one answer can be correct, So to set that option as the right one, here’s what you can do. You can also add feedback and give reasons why the remaining options are not the correct answer individually and add points to it, which the user will receive if they choose the right answer. 

To Delete a Question

Here’s how you can delete a question if you want to remove a question. 

Theme Customization 

On the ribbon, there is a color palette called Customize theme. Using this tool, you can change the theme style of your form however you’d like.  Here, you can change the text style of the header, question, and text. You can also add an image on the header and set different colors for the background.

Send the Quiz Form

There are multiple options available to share the quiz form. You can send it via Email, Link, and Embed HTML. You can also share it on social media by clicking on its icon on the link tab. Here’s how you can do it.  You can also preview this form by clicking on the Eye icon on the top right. If it’s not there, click on the Three Vertical Dots and select Preview. Here you can see how users will view the quiz once they get a hold of the link.  This quiz form gets saved on Google Drive on its own.

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